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Egyptian Ants vs. Grasshopper World

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ancient Egyptians left no stone un-carved. There are hieroglyphics on every rock, stone and pebble in Egypt. Reminds me of Wordsworth's:

There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight
                 To me did seem
            Apparelled in celestial light...

Read hieroglyphics for "celestial light".

If there were mountains, they dug tombs in them.
If they found rocks, they made obelisks.  They dragged these rocks hundreds of miles on the roads, rivers--absolutely obsessed with construction. And their entire lives were spent preparing for death.  I am not sure they ever just enjoyed themselves.  Life was serious business.

Modern Egyptians are now digging up stuff the ancient Egyptians left behind.  The man above is gainfully employed (he extracted a dollar baksheesh once I took his picture).  This photograph was taken at the site of Djoser's step pyramid, Saqqara, where excavations are still going on.


hotchipps said...

When at school we were being taught that people there have so much respect for the dead - something which can be found no where else in the world, I always wondered there are so many places in this very same world where people don't consider the living ones', So wht's with the dead ones? But would definitely want to visit these places at least once during my LIFETIME.

Mahadev Dovre Wudali said...

life was serious business, but death was seriouser?

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